Hebrews 1

The Divinity of Christ before the Incarnation

v1 God spoke through the prophets (OT)   Numbers 12:6.

v2 God now spoke by His Son. (NT)  John 1:

v2 Father created worlds by His Son  Colossians 1:16.

v3 Son brightness of Father’s glory  John 17:5.

v3 Son express image of Father’s person.  Col 1:15. 2 Cor 4:4.

v3 Father upholds all things by the Son  Colossians 1:15.17.

v3 Son sat at right hand of the Father  Heb 1:13. 10:12. Ps 110:1. 

v4 Son better than angels  Hebrews 1:9.

v4 Son inherited a better Name than the angels  Psalm 2:7. Isaiah 9:6.

v5 Father said, ‘Thou art My Son’ – begotten  Psalm 2:7.

v6 First begotten, firstborn  Romans 8:29.

v6 Angels to worship the Son  Revelation 5:12-14.

v7 Angels are spirits  Psalm 104:4.

v8.9. Father said, ‘Thy throne, O God’  Psalm 45:6.7.

v9 Son’s God anointed Him  Revelation 1:6. 3:12.

v9 Son was anointed before creation of the earth.  Proverbs 8:23. 

v10-12 Earth will perish, but Son will remain  Psalm 102:25-27.

Chapter 1 shows the divinity of Christ

The Son created the worlds with His Father

The Son is the brightness of His Father’s glory

The Son is the express image of the Father’s person

The Son upholds all things, together with His Father

The Son sits at the right hand of the Father

The Son is higher than the angels

The Son better than angels, received name by birth - inheritance

The Son is begotten of the Father

The Son is the Son of the Father

The Son is the first begotten of the Father

The angels are to worship the Son

The Father says of His Son, ‘Thy throne O God’

The Son is divine like His Father

The Father anointed His Son above the angels

The Son laid the foundations of the earth; they will perish

The Father says of His Son, ‘Sit at My right hand till I make your enemies your footstool’

None of this can be said of the angels

They were created beings, sons, but created

They are ministering spirits

They minister to those who are heirs of salvation


Hebrews 2

The Humanity of Christ on the Earth

v9 The Son is made a little lower than the angels Gal 4:4. Phil 2:5-8.

v9 the Son received glory and honour before earth.

On earth: John 12:23.28. 13:31. 

In future: John 17:5. Phil 2:9.10.

v9 The Son tasted death for every man. Luke 24:46.

v10 The Son was made perfect through suffering. Hebrews 5:8.

v11. He who sanctifies and those who are sanctified are one. John 17:23.

v12 The Son is not ashamed to call those sanctified His brethren

v12 The Son will declare God’s name  Ps 22:22. Jn 17:6.26.

v13 The Son will put trust in God Ps 18:2.3. Luk 23:46.

v13 Children given to the Son John 17:

v14. Children – flesh and blood.  Romans 8:3.

v14 The Son will destroy devil 1 John 3:8.

v15 Christians can serve without fear of death Luke 1:74.

v16 Son took not nature of angels, but seed of Abraham Galatians 3:14.16.

v17 The Son made in all things like His brethren   Galatians 4:4-7.

v17 So He could be a merciful High priest Heb 4:14-16. 7:25.

Chapter 2 shows the humanity of Christ

The Son made a little lower than the angels for suffering of death

The Son was crowned with glory and honour

The Son tasted death for every man

The Son was made perfect through suffering

The sanctified Son is one with those who are sanctified 

The Son is not ashamed to call the sanctified ones his brethren

The Son will declare His Father’s name in the church

The Father has given His Son sanctified children 

The Son is flesh and blood like men are flesh and blood

The Son will destroy the devil; the redeemed serve no fear of death

The Son took not nature of angels, but the seed of Abraham 

The Son made like His brethren in all things, to be a merciful high priest. 

“By His humanity, Christ touched humanity; by His divinity, He lays hold upon the throne of God. As the Son of man, He gave us an example of obedience; as the Son of God, He gives us power to obey.” The Desire of Ages p24.